Green Bronx Machine: Our First Post!
Welcome to our first post live from the garden and campus of CS 55! After an amazing summer at our Food for Others Garden, we’re off to a bold start building the Borough’s FIRST EVER Health, Wellness and Learning Center in the heart of Claremont Village and working with Instituto Thomas Jefferson in Mexico City. In the Bronx, we just finished feeding hundreds of folks at the CS 55 Back to School Fair with partner organization Veggiecation and thanks to our Tower Gardens – areoponic technology – we are growing strawberries, leafy greens and curious minds and bodies four stories up in the library. In Mexico, we helped roll out GrowUms and gardens across five campuses and we’re just getting started. All this his month we are featured in the Healthy Schools Revolution. El Capitan has been speaking at schools and organizations spreading seeds, hope and our Si Se Puede Amer-I-Can spirit across the nation and globe to critical acclaim; proof that the Bronx is poised, ready, willing and able to export our talent and diversity! From day one, we said we would be coming to a city near you soon and we are absolutely committed to growing something greater here at home and abroad. Our phunky-fresh GBM organic tee-shirts are now available and we’re planning the greenest, gala ever – see highlights below!
T-shirts For Sale
After years of requests, GBM now has tee-shirts for sale! From Milan to Hunts Point, you too can be an eco-fashionista in these student designed, 100% organic blend t-shirts. To spread the message and help fuel the machine, check out our shop. All proceeds from t-shirt sales support GBM operations.
GBM Winter Gala
We are in the process of planning our greenest and greatest party ever, coming this winter. Date, venue, and other details will be coming soon. El Capitan will debut locallly grown drink specials! Stay posted and please come join us for the best party of the upcoming holiday season!