Pope and J Lo
Dear Green Bronx Machine Friends:
Thrilled to report that our Founder, Stephen Ritz AKA “El Capitan” met with His Holiness, Pope Francis, last week at The Vatican. El Capitan was named with twenty other delegates to work with Scholas Occurrentes via Global Teacher Award and Varkey Gems. Their intent is to work with Pope Francis to impact 33 million lives in the next three years. What an honor to represent our hometown and local work; proof the Bronx CAN – Change Attitudes Now! We call it: From Hope to The Pope! Afterwards, El Capitan was quoted as follows:
“The warmth and love radiating from His Holiness will change the world! To be in a room with Pope Francis – much less at Vatican City – is beyond inspiring; his words moved me to tears – and further action. He is the revolution and he continues to coalesce people around the world in an unprecedented and inclusive manner via love, compassion and commitment. As a Top Fifty Finalist in the Global Teacher Prize, I am honored to be working both here in the Bronx and as part of a larger team of equity warriors dedicated to a greater good and more equitable world. I am most grateful to Varkey Gems, Scholas and my colleagues for this opportunity to pay it forward. The best is yet to come. Together, we can all prosper! Si se puede!”
As always, thanks for your support – we appreciate you! The best is yet to come!
Si se puede!
El Capitan and Crew
Jennifer Lopez Special
Be sure to see the Green Bronx Machine / Si Se Puede Crew featured on the Jennifer Lopez Special airing Saturday, February 14 on TNT immediately after the NBA All-Star Game! Talk about a Happy Valentines Day Celebration! The scene was shot live at CS 55 featuring our local students!
In advance of El Capitan’s TEDx Manhattan Talk on March 7, we are excited to be launching a Barnraiser Campaign. We consider you a part of our team, and now We need YOU to join us in this endeavor by raising our big goal of $135,000 to help get the National Health and Wellness Center up and running. The campaign launches today – click here to support our project, and please spread the word to everyone so we can reach our goal!