Best News Ever Regarding Our Executive Director!
Nothing could be better to share than this: after 16 rounds of chemotherapy, our executive director and biggest flower is back at the helm! Along the way, she brought awareness, courage, and hope to our community and countless others. The outpouring of love and support has been amazing and we thank you. Remember to check yourself and see your doctor regularly!
Speaking of blooming, thanks to our friends from MDRT, Rocking the Boat, Artemis, Ewe Can Knit, the Ursukline School, Central Synagogue, People Projects Foundation, CUNY, and so many more who’ve been with us for years, our Food for Others Garden is planted with more than 5,000 food-producing and pollinating plants. We anticipate the first harvest by end of June.
Camp is coming! Thanks to our friends at Sodexo, GBM summer camp will be back in session featuring 6 weeks of Tastes of the World, academic and career enrichment activities, filming new episodes of Let’s Learn, gardening, and building out two new food pantries.
We can’t stop, we won’t stop, and we thank all of you for helping make epic happen. Please support our work.